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Care Sector Information - Wales

AWIFHSC (All Wales Induction Framework for Health and Social Care)

Regulatory bodies

  • Social Care Wales came into being in April 2017, replacing the Care Council for Wales. It ensures that the workforce delivering social care services in Wales is regulated and working to a high standard.
  • The Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) is responsible for the inspection and regulation of childcare, social and non-health care for adults and children, and local authority social services in Wales.
  • The Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) is responsible for the inspection and regulation of Welsh NHS services (including Welsh NHS funded care) and independent healthcare services in Wales.

The Social Care Induction Framework for Wales (SCIF) was replaced by the All Wales Induction Framework for Health and Social Care (AWIFHSC) in 2017. AWIFHSC supports a common understanding to induction in social care in Wales. Regardless of whether they are employed full time, part time, sessionally or as a volunteer, the AWIFHSC should be completed by any social care worker who is:

– New to the care sector
– New to an organisation
– Undertaking a new role

This All Wales Induction Framework is designed for social care workers and healthcare support workers . It covers care and support for adults, and children and young people. It provides a structure for a common induction in health and social care across Wales and outlines the knowledge and skills new workers need to gain in the first six months of employment. To make sure it meets the needs of both parts of the sector, a new section has been added on health and well-being.

CareTutor offers a range of training courses for both the Home Care and Care Home sectors, all of which comply with the AWIFHSC.

More information about the All Wales Induction Framework for Health and Social Care can be found in the Social Care Wales document AWIFHSC Intro and Guidance.


The Social Services Well Being Act (2014)

The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 provides the legal framework for improving the well-being of people who need care and support, as well as carers who need support. It underpins the All Wales Induction Framework (AWIF) for health and social care, ensuring that new care workers develop the knowledge, skills, and values required to deliver person-centred care. The Act promotes a rights-based approach, emphasising voice, control, and partnership working, which are key principles embedded within the AWIF to support high-quality practice in the sector.

The fundamental principles of the Act are:

Voice and control – putting the individual and their needs, at the centre of their care, and giving them a voice in, and control over reaching the outcomes that help them achieve well-being.

Prevention and early intervention – increasing preventative services within the community to minimise the escalation of critical need.

Well-being – supporting people to achieve their own well-being and measuring the success of care and support.

Co-production – encouraging individuals to become more involved in the design and delivery of services.


You can find out more about the Social Services and Wellbeing Act, such as regulations, code of practice and statutory guidance on the Social Care Wales Website. 

Induction framework for health and social care

The Induction Framework for Health and Social Care on Social Care Wales outlines essential guidelines for the induction of new workers in the health and social care sectors. It provides a structured process to ensure that new employees understand their roles, responsibilities, and the expectations for quality care. 

Learn more about the framework here.

AWIF Sections Mapped to our Courses

Section 1 & 2: Principles and Values of Health and Social Care

Our Courses Mapped to the AWIF Sections

Applying Ear DropsSections 3 & 4: Health and Well-being
Applying Eye DropsSections 3 & 4: Health and Well-being
Assisting a Person to EatSections 3 & 4: Health and Well-being
Care Home Health & SafetySection 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Data Protection & Cyber SecuritySections 3 & 4: Health and Well-being
Dementia Care 1: Understanding DementiaSections 3 & 4: Health and Well-being
Dementia Care 2: Person Centred Dementia CareSections 3 & 4: Health and Well-being
Develop as a WorkerSection 5: Professional Practice as a Health and Social Care Worker
Sections 1 & 2: Principles and Values of Health and Social Care
Effective CommunicationSections 1 & 2: Principles and Values of Health and Social Care
Effective Communication 2Section 5: Professional Practice as a Health and Social Care Worker
Effective Communication 2Sections 1 & 2: Principles and Values of Health and Social Care
Emergency First Aid for Care WorkersSection 7: Health and safety in health and social care
End of Life CareSections 3 & 4: Health and Well-being
Equality, Diversity and InclusionSections 1 & 2: Principles and Values of Health and Social Care
Fire Safety 1: Hazards & PreventionSection 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Fire Safety 2: Drills & EvacuationSection 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Fire Safety 3: Risk AssessmentSection 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Fluids and NutritionSections 3 & 4: Health and Well-being
Food Safety & Hygiene in the Care HomeSection 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Home Care 10: Infection Prevention & ControlSection 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Home Care 11: Lone WorkerSection 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Home Care 12: Risk AssessmentSection 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Home Care 5: Health & SafetySection 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Home Care 6: Fire SafetySection 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Home Care 7: Food SafetySection 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Home Care 9: Safeguarding AdultsSection 6: Safeguarding individuals
How to Ensure Good Oral HygieneSections 3 & 4: Health and Well-being
How to use a BedpanSections 3 & 4: Health and Well-being
How to Use Fire ExtinguishersSection 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Infection Prevention & Control in the Care HomeSection 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Managing Distressed BehaviourSection 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Sections 1 & 2: Principles and Values of Health and Social Care
Medication Awareness in the Care HomeSections 3 & 4: Health and Well-being
Mental Capacity Act in PracticeSections 1 & 2: Principles and Values of Health and Social Care
Mental Health AwarenessSections 3 & 4: Health and Well-being
Mental Health, Dementia & Learning DisabilitiesSections 3 & 4: Health and Well-being
Moving & Assisting: AssessmentsSection 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Moving & Assisting: PracticalSection 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Sections 3 & 4: Health and Well-being
Moving & Assisting: TheorySection 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Personal Care Tasks: Volume 1Sections 3 & 4: Health and Well-being
Personal Care Tasks: Volume 2Sections 3 & 4: Health and Well-being
Pressure Ulcer PreventionSections 3 & 4: Health and Well-being
Principles of Person Centred CareSections 1 & 2: Principles and Values of Health and Social Care
Privacy & DignitySections 3 & 4: Health and Well-being
Privacy and DignitySections 1 & 2: Principles and Values of Health and Social Care
Raising Concerns & WhistleblowingSection 5: Professional Practice as a Health and Social Care Worker
Section 6: Safeguarding individuals
Risk Assessment for Health & Safety in the Care HomeSection 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Role of the Care WorkerSection 5: Professional Practice as a Health and Social Care Worker
Sections 1 & 2: Principles and Values of Health and Social Care
Safeguarding Adults in the Care HomeSection 6: Safeguarding individuals
Safeguarding Children in Social Care SettingsSection 6: Safeguarding individuals
Sections 1 & 2: Principles and Values of Health and Social Care
Support with DrinkingSections 3 & 4: Health and Well-being
Welsh Language AwarenessSection 1 & 2: Principles and Values of Health and Social Care 

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