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The Top 4 Training Challenges in the Care Sector

Top 4 training challenges in the care sector


Managers and directors in social care environments play a crucial role in the care sector, as they are responsible for overseeing the delivery of high-quality care to vulnerable individuals. However, the job of a social care manager is not an easy one, as they face a variety of challenges on a daily basis.

The fact is that with a “perfect storm” of pressures facing the sector, 43% of providers had to close down some parts of their organisation or hand back marginal contracts to local authorities in the last year. Keeping a social care organisation afloat is more challenging than ever before.

We ran a poll across several platforms asking managers which staff training challenge they think affects them the most. Here are the results:

Top 4 challenges graph

4. Never Ending Compliance – 12.5% of respondents
The care sector is highly regulated, and care providers must adhere to a range of guidelines and regulations from governing bodies, such as the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in England, the Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS), the Care Inspectorate etc… This means that care providers must undertake regular training to ensure that they remain up to date with any changes to regulations and guidelines.
The never-ending cycle of compliance training can be overwhelming for care providers, who may struggle to keep up with the constant changes in regulations. Additionally, compliance training can be time-consuming and costly, which can put a strain on care providers’ budgets and resources.

Our Solution:

CareTutor keeps their managers aware of any changes in guidance, we automatically update our courses in line with the latest regulations and have all the courses you need to keep your organisation compliant.

3. Non-Attendance – 12.5% of respondents
Care providers often struggle to get staff members to attend training sessions, which can be frustrating and time-consuming. Non-attendance can result in staff members missing out on vital training and can put clients at risk. There are many reasons why staff members may not attend training, including conflicting schedules, personal commitments, and lack of interest. Care providers must find ways to incentivize staff members to attend training and make training sessions more engaging and interactive.

Our Solution:

CareTutor’s online eLearning programmes are flexible and can be accessed on any device, at any time. That means you won’t have to worry about staff missing training sessions, as they can access our interactive and engaging training on the job or off it.

2. Updating Staff Progress – 25% of respondents
Care providers must keep track of staff members’ progress and ensure that they are meeting the necessary training requirements for their specific care setting. With multiple requirements and job roles across a care organisation, this can be a time-consuming process, and care providers may struggle to keep up with staff members’ progress.

Our Solution:

Using CareTutor means you will have access to a fantastic Traffic Light Training Matrix which will help you track staff members’ progress and automate the process of updating progress records. This will save time and resources and ensure that staff members are meeting their training requirements

LMS devices

1. Rising Cost of Training – 50% of respondents
The rising cost of training was what providers found the most challenging out of the four. The care sector is notoriously underfunded, and care providers often struggle to cover the cost of staff training. Additionally, the rising cost of training materials and face-to-face training can put a strain on care providers’ budgets.
Care providers often have to provide staff training for a large number of employees, which can be very costly. This can result in care providers having to make difficult decisions about which staff members receive training and which do not, especially when Skills for Care estimates turnover rates in the social care sector to be 30%.

Our Solution:

If you’re struggling with your budget, CareTutor’s cost-effective, high quality eLearning programme is the perfect answer to your large training requirements. Our video-based courses are designed to give you the best value for money while providing you with the best training on the market.

Staff training is essential, but it also comes with many challenges. Never-ending compliance, rising cost of training, non-attendance, and updating staff progress are just a few of the challenges that care providers face.

CareTutor can really aid your organisation with each of these problems. We stand out from other eLearning providers because we are the only provider endorsed by Skills for Care that uses Interactive, Video-Based content, we work with certified and experienced consultants to make sure our courses are as applicable to a real carer’s journey as possible and our production team films with professional actors in real care home and home care settings, making sure your staff members receive the necessary training to deliver high-quality care to their clients.

Find out more about how we could solve your training challenges here.

Get In Touch

CareTutor has a range of over 70+ video-based social care courses.

Talk to our team on 0345 644 2866
Email us on: info@caretutor.org
