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Stress Awareness Week and the Importance of Mental Health Education

Stress Awareness Week Image


During Stress Awareness Week, (October 30th – November 3rd), we are reminded that stress is a common aspect of our daily lives. Stress often leads to various mental health issues. Therefore, it’s important that we do what we can to first prevent and later reduce instances of stress that may arise in our lives.

At CareTutor, we’d like to take this week to shine a light on the role that stress plays in mental health, especially in the context of the care workers who must identify and respond to stress frequently in their care settings.

CareTutor’s CPD Accredited, Video-Based Mental Health Awareness Course is designed to guide individuals in understanding, acknowledging, and alleviating stress through a systematic approach.

Try out a few lessons from our course here.


74% of UK adults have felt so stressed at some point over the last year that they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope.

Source: Mental Health Foundation


Understanding Stress

Stress is a natural response to the challenges and demands of our work and personal lives. It triggers the “fight or flight” response, helping us deal with immediate threats. However, when stress becomes chronic or overwhelming, it can have a severe impact on mental health.


Mental Health Issues that can be bought on by stress:

  • Depression – Stressors that can contribute to the development of depression include things like, relationship breakdown, unemployment, bereavement, accidents, physical illness, and traumatic experiences.
  • Anxiety – Prolonged stress can lead to anxiety disorders, including generalised anxiety disorder (GAD).
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – Trauma is a significant stressor for those with PTSD. People with PTSD often experience intrusive thoughts and flashbacks related to a traumatic event.
  • Suicidal Behaviours and Thoughts – Suicidal thoughts often arise during times of extreme stress or distress.

These are just a few issues our Mental Health Awareness Course covers.


Importance of Stress Management

Dealing with stress goes beyond individual actions; it involves a shared responsibility that encompasses families, communities, and organizations. By fostering supportive work environments and cultivating positive family and community atmospheres, we can create an environment conducive to effective stress management.

Our Mental Health Awareness Course goes into depth on the ways caregivers can help individuals deal with their stress:

  • Support Strategies – Effective support techniques, including active listening, reflective listening, and summarizing, to create a safe and empathetic environment for individuals seeking help.
  • Promoting Positive Mental Health – Self-help strategies such as exercise, communication, and joining support groups that can promote positive mental health and resilience.
  • Talking Therapies and Medication – Talking therapies like Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Person-Centered Therapy, and Solution-Focused Therapy, as well as commonly prescribed medications for mental health conditions.


‘Beyond Stress Management: From Stigma to Solutions’

Stress Awareness Week 2023 is an opportunity for people and communities to unite behind this year’s theme campaigning against the stigma associated with stress and mental health issues.

Stress Awareness Week Poster
Several online events are planned for Stress Awareness Day (01/11/2023), taking a closer look at the following themes:

  • Why Do Men Find It Hard to Talk About Their Mental Health?
  • Why Conversations About Money Are So Difficult
  • Using the Power of Music to Reduce Stress and Improve Wellbeing
  • A Father and Daughter Journey with Bipolar Disorder

Learn more about how you can get involved in this years events on the International Stress Management Association’s (ISMA) Website.


Educational Empowerment: CareTutor’s Mental Health Awareness Course

CareTutor has recently released a Mental Health Awareness Course that uses interactive, scenario-based animations to discuss important aspects of Mental Health.

This course covers Standard 9 of the Care Certificate and managers have a responsibility to train their staff in this essential learning area.


Mental Health Course Image

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Describe what constitutes ‘mental health’.
  • Discuss attitudes towards mental health issues
  • Identify those at greater risk of developing mental health issues.
  • Describe the identifying features of a range of mental health issues
  • Provide better support for people experiencing poor mental in social care settings.

Try out a few lessons from our course here.

As we navigate through Stress Awareness Week, let’s promote a culture of empathy, understanding, and support for mental health. Engaging in meaningful conversations, fostering education initiatives, and offering each other assistance are crucial steps towards building a society that is resilient to stress.


Get In Touch

CareTutor has a range of video-based Social Care eLearning Courses and Childcare eLearning courses on its platform, with easy-to-use compliance and management tools. Our courses are available as an Annual Subscription for each staff member or on a Pay-as-you-Go basis.

Talk to our team on: 0345 644 2866

Email us on: info@caretutor.org
