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Speak Up For Care!

Speak up for care


CareTutor is joining other National Care Forum members to Speak Up for Care because we believe that social care needs to be the top priority for the new government.

We need the government to address the issues in the social care system and start listening to our united voices because together there are 1.6 million people working in care, 2 million people in receipt of adult care and support, 10 million unpaid carers and millions receiving unregulated care through the voluntary and community sector. Together with their families, thereโ€™s a huge number of people with a stake in a well-funded and effective care system and yet their voices are not being heard in Parliament.

We need the next government to address the key areas that will enable people to get the care when they need, where they need it and how they need it:

  • Think Social Care First: Within the first 100 parliamentary days, set out a clear plan to reform adult social care, with timescales for short-term, medium-term and long-term goals as well as vision and engagement. Any vision for the future of social care will need to recognise the place of innovation and technology in helping people to live well and independently for longer.
  • Improve the pay, terms and conditions of the workforce: Alongside a funded fair pay agreement to improve pay across the care workforce, set out a dedicated and funded workforce strategy for social care and plans to work with the sector to create a professional body to represent care workers alongside professional registration.
  • Invest in people, not profit: Commit to a 10-year plan to increase the proportion of social care delivered by not-for-profit providers. Not-for-profit care provision ensures better value for the public pound as all the funding from either government or citizens is directed towards the delivery of care. That money remains in the sector and is reinvested into the workforce and used to improve the quality of care โ€“ rather than leaking out of services.
  • Recognise social care as integral to economic growth: Put social care at the heart of the governmentโ€™s Industrial Strategy as it seeks to grow the economy. It is a sector that contributes ยฃ55.7bn GVA per year to the English economy and employs more people than the NHS. Good social care enables some people in receipt of care and, crucially, their unpaid carers (often women) to join or return to the workforce. It is also a powerful tool in addressing inequalities.
  • Enshrine rights, fairness and choice for people in a National Care Covenant: Within the first 100 parliamentary days, begin a series of national conversations which lead to the co-production of a โ€˜social contractโ€™ that sets out the mutual rights and responsibilities of individual citizens, families, communities and the state in providing support and paying for it.


It is important to get the support of our communities to make social care, and specifically the workforce challenges , a doorstep issue during the first 100 days of the new government and beyond. To do this, we need you speak up for care.

There are various ways you can help with this:

  • Write to your local MP and /or local councillors and raise the issues affecting the care sector in your constituency.
  • Share your story about the fantastic care you or a loved one has received to highlight wonderful carers and post on social media using the hashtag #speakupforcare.You can also use other hashtags like #adultsocialcare #forpeoplenotprofit #socialcare to join the conversations around this topic.
  • Speak to your local newspaper and tell them your care story.


Visit the National Care Forum website to download resources which include letter templates and to learn more about the Speak Up for Care campaign.

CareTutor offers a range of social care courses to help upskill your staff. With CPD-Accredited courses created alongside expert consultants, we use a blend of Live-action and animated videos with interactive elements for better retention.

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