This module gives people working in social care, Â from early years through to caring for the elderly, an awareness of why Welsh language skills and working bilingually are important. It also signposts to further resources that provide support. This course is part of the All Wales Induction Framework for Health and Social Care (AWIFHSC).
This module gives people working in social care, Â from early years through to caring for the elderly, an awareness of why Welsh language skills and working bilingually are important. It also signposts to further resources that provide support. This course is part of the All Wales Induction Framework for Health and Social Care (AWIFHSC).
Featured Review
This online training course has been designed specifically for Care and Support Workers working in a social care setting. It may also be useful to a wider audience of people who would like to know more about Welsh Language Awareness.
Interactive Chapters, Assessment Quiz and a CPD Accredited Certificate
Subjects covered include:
- Importance of Welsh Language and Culture in the Care Sector
- Historical Context of the Welsh Language
- Main Legislation Relating to the Welsh Language
- Understand and Apply the ‘Active Offer’
- Promoting Bi-lingualism in Care Settings
- Best Practice in Working Bi-lingually
- How to Access Support Resources
- Language Impact on Service Quality
All Wales Induction Framework for Health and Social Care (AWIFHSC) Section 1.8
All Wales Induction Framework for Health and Social Care (AWIFHSC) Section 2.8