Over 20 years experience of training in the care sector

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Care Home

Dementia Care 2: Person Centred Dementia Care
40 minutes approximately
This video-based eLearning course introduces the person-centred qualities that a skilled carer should reflect in...
Dementia Care 1 Course Image
33 minutes approximately
Understanding Dementia focuses on the physical condition of dementia and how it affects the person. This course ...
How to Use Fire Extinguishers
11 minutes approximately
This video course explores the correct ways in which fire extinguishers should be operated. It explains what the...
Fire Safety 3: Risk Assessment
25 minutes approximately
This video based eLearning course will help registered owners, managers and their staff understand the process o...
Fire Safety 2: Drills & Evacuation
25 minutes approximately
Ensuring that your care home staff are fully aware of what must be done in a fire is vital to providing a safe e...
Fire Safety 1: Hazards & Prevention
27 minutes approximately
This care home based title will teach care workers how to identify potential hazards and prevent the outbreak of...
Emergency First Aid in the Workplace
36 minutes approximately
Wherever your staff may work there is always the chance that they will need to deal with accidents and emergenci...
Emergency First Aid for Care Workers
46 minutes approximately
In this interactive video-based first aid course, all basic first aid procedures are examined, including what to...
Food Safety and Hygiene in the Care Home
33 minutes approximately
Every year in the UK there are over 90,000 confirmed incidents of bacterial food poisoning; therefore, it is imp...
Care Home Health and Safety Course Image
50 minutes approximately
Health and Safety is a key training area. This video-based course explains health and safety procedures relatin...
Effective Hand Hygiene
16 minutes approximately
For the past 180 years, scientists and physicians have recognised the importance of hand hygiene. Yet research s...
Infection prevention and control
40 minutes approximately
Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) is a key element identified by Skills for Care and is vital to the well-b...